
North Estonia

Narva Art Residency (NART)

Narva Art Residency is located on the Estonian-Russian border in Narva, in the historic Kreenholm area. It is a cultural platform where residencies, exhibitions, lectures, and educational workshops are organized. Narva Art Residency features exhibits by artists from Estonia and abroad who work in various fields, including visual arts, music, performance art, architecture, design, film, literature, curation, etc. Exciting guided tours introduce both the exhibitions and the historic house itself. It is possible to rent various rooms for seminars and a cinema hall with a retro atmosphere.


North Estonia

Opening times

Open all year round

Thu-Fri 15:00 - 19:00

Sat-Sun 13:00 - 19:00


Joala tn 18, Narva linn, Ida-Viru maakond