
West Estonia

Kayak tour to Manija island by Seikle Vabaks

Manija is an idyllic small Estonian island in the Bay of Pärnu – an ideal destination for a daytrip on the kayak! Throughout the island you can see fields of meadow flowers, goats and sheep nibbling on grass, and at the end of summer you can find ripe blackberries on the bushes. During the trip, we will take a look at the lighthouse and museum of the island.
Tour includes: a kayak and necessary equipment, tour guide service, a light outdoor meal.

During the trip to Manija you will get an authentic island experience! We recommend ordering a special experience catering from the Riida Tourism Farm that offers an exceptionally good home-brew beer and famous lamb roast.


West Estonia

Opening times

1. may - 1. oct

An advanced bookings only


Lao sadam, Lao küla, Pärnu linn, Pärnu maakond