

Children´s Museum Miiamilla

Children´s Museum Miiamilla is a playful environment for children and families. Here, you can experience and learn. The museum operates in a colourful house with a tower built in 1937 as the main building of Kadriorg Children’s Park. The park, which has been called the ‘Paradise for Children’ is unique thanks to its historic building suitable to the Kadriorg ensemble.

Miiamilla is a little curious girl, who likes to explore everything exciting. She is happy that this lovely yellow building with a tower was built to Kadriorg Park. Here, she can explore and play. We welcome all children and even adults, as long as the small child in them still exists.



Opening times

1. june - 31. aug

Tue-Sun 10:00 - 17:00

1. sept - 31. may

Tue-Fri 12:00 - 18:00

Sat-Sun 10:00 - 17:00


L. Koidula tn 21c, Kesklinna linnaosa, Tallinn, Harju maakond